
when work is fun, life is good...

A strong predilection, enthusiasm, or liking for anything

Today I participated  in parent conference put on  by  a partnership that I work within at work - it was fantastic. I have said in the past that I love my job and I love what I do.. I still do. I have my moments, just like anyone else. I get bogged down in paper work, or feel the pressure of balancing life and work.. but who doesn't.
In talking with a couple of fantastic women, who happen to be collegues of mine, I realized that within each of the individuals I work with there is so much that I don't know about them, but also some much humanity. We talked briefly about connecting with others, vulnerabilty and the search for our place and  finding comfort within our jobs ,our lives and in our roles as women, as  mothers , as partners and the unique experiences we have had that have lead us to where we are in our lives.
It is always interesting to me, when I catch a glimpse of someone from a different side of their personality, or when you catch someone unaware lost in their own thoughts. I have always loved observing people, and watching an idea take place, or a part of their protective walls come down.
In listening to one collegue discribe how much better she felt when she let go of preconcived idea's of herself, or worrying how other precieved her actions, it made me realize; how many of us our on the same journey. How so many of us feel so much the same, and yet only a small few will reach out to each other to experience it together or to share our experiences.
I have been blessed with people in my life that I can share these thoughts with and explore diffent idea's with. The beauty of my job is I get to meet and work with amazing people who choose to help others as part of their daily lives.In doing so I get exposed to fantastic people - today the FANTASTIC  was evident as everyone went about their day, making sure resources where shared, information was processed, respect was given and hope was supported. I am proud of the people I work for and with, we do a great job as a team - and let me tell you that team is HUGE - it has 5 different agencies and covers all of Toronto.
So today, I got to live  in some fantastic moments with people I respect and have a strong liking for !
life is good, and it is even better when you open yourself up to new people and talk.


shawna said...

Incredibly beautiful!...thank you for sharing...I once read though somewhere that "what you see in others you too possess..." the exchange was mutually enjoyed and so appreciated! You are a dynamic and fabulous individual with a heart of gold (that shines upon your face)! Thanks for being you!

Blessings my friend!

Wendy said...

Life is so much better all-round when you're happy at work. The one thing about working that I really miss is being able to connect with other teachers and live in that world of ideas. I don't expect to ever go back to that career (I've finally had my fill of children, learning, and special needs--and I never thought I'd say that!), but I so look forward to the day when I can go out there and find a new niche and be able to connect with a whole new set of colleagues.
Great post!