In my previous blog - we all learned what made me feel better! Buying purses - for multiple reasons -- but when it came down to it - it was becuase it made me feel better or happy - they always fit, they never judged and they made me feel like I could belong -- wow that is alot to expect from a sewn together piece of material!!
Happiness Traps - the things we do to find happiness (for much more detail please check out he book What Happy People Know) - I am going ot look at how all five have impacted me - if they did:
1. Buying Hapiness : Oh yes -- have done this - call it a "treat" call it whatever -- I have attempted to buy myself out of a rut ( usually couldn't find clothes to fit), or I was lonely or I was desperate for friendship or when I feel I did something good - extended the pleased with self feeling by - yup buying happiness was something that made me feel like I was good enough.. not sure for who or what.. but I did it.. and still do once in awhile ( now I am just aware of it!)
2. Finding Hapiness through what brings pleasure - food, drugs, etc.. (this actually is an interesting one to read about as it talks about how when we have more-- we want more becuase we adapt to what we have) This is something we all do to some degree - the chocolate bar you really shouldn't be having - but your lonely so what the heck -- or maybe you drink to numb pain ( hench finding happiness) the crack addict who is always after the feeling of the first high. Food was my choice -- smoking once was the espcape I used to get away from stress-- so yeah I could see this being a trap.
3. Trying to be Happy by resolving the past -- I use to think the only way to get over something was to talk it to death -- I don't believe that anymore, I also doin't think it is 100% necessary - the concept that unless you talk it out, you won't have happiness is not one that can apply to everyone. Talking does help me - but not about all things - For me sometimes it is simply a matter of letting it go, holding on and over talking it can cause a continuation of a pattern as well in my mind.
4. Trying to be happy by overcoming "weakness" -- I can see how this is a trap - as you fail - you try harder - you fail again, you try harder - constantly fixing yourself . This is a hard one to avoid - because it is promoted everywhere - diets, get organized, be better, quit this , stop doing this , stop doing that.. if you would just stop eating, you would be happy!! Hmmm ---reminds me of advertising. Show them who they want to be ( the beautiful girl who everyone adores, then tell them they just have to overcome their eating habits, then they will be happy - like the girls in the pictures)
5. Trying to force happiness : I don't believe I have ever done this - I know that positive thinking and projecting positive thoughts can help you deal with issues, but I have never forced or pretended to be happy - I can't comment much more on this one.
It is interesting for me to look back at what I wrote - I don't try to edit my thoughts when I blog -- this makes me happy ( spelling and grammer issues aside - I write what I think and feel, and to edit would not be honest)
I have been taking pictures today of things in my day that make me happy - I plan to put a post up about that soon -- but I wonder do you fall into these happiness traps?
Chat soon -- hope to see some of your pictures soon from yesturdays post.
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