
Everyday Miracles

It amazes me the wonderful things that can happen in a day, and we don't see them. I was reminded today by a facebook page I follow a beautiful mess inside that everyday miracles are awesome. When I was a little girl my family said I saw the world through rose coloured glasses. It must have been all the folk music, and john lennon love around me, but I did. I did see (and still try to) the good in everyone before I see the not so good. I always believed that my family meant I was "slow" or "naive", and for my age at points I probably was. But I was open to people and experiences in a different way then they experienced the world.

At times I have  lost sight of the amazing things you can make happen in your life  and witnessing everyday ones, how much benfit it can be to you or others. Sometimes you just need to be present in a moment to see them.

I still expect miracles to happen, I forget sometimes, but I never have been all that different. Life is full of amazing things, you just have to open your eyes to them.

Instead of having my head down looking at my phone today I expect to see these everyday miracles...

  1. The smile on a strangers face as she/he watches a child with their parent (TTC is a good place for this)
  2. Someone dancing to the beat they hear , all by themselves.
  3. Someone talking and engaging a person who needs the attention and time. (College Street and Young is good for catching a glimpse of this - there are some really fantastic individuals who live on the street and spend some time in this area)
  4. Seeing the last of the summer flowers bright in the sun, even with the cool crisp air of fall in the air.
  5. Getting a call from a  family member or a friend that moment I think of them.
You can be an everyday miracle for someone else and never even know it.. so rose coloured glasses - sure I will wear them. Have a great day everyone.

1 comment:

Faiza said...

watching the kids in tae kwon do last night was a bit of a miracle :)