
Spoiled and lucky with friends and family

My friends and family always joke that I am spoiled because I have such amazing friends and an awesome husband. I have been thinking about this a little and I think I have figured out why I have amazing people in my life.

 I have learned that I needed to be present with those people who are giving me their time and energy. I think about those that I do not connect with or those I hold at a distance and I think it is because for whatever reason we cannot be present in each other's lives. Even a colleague who you do not share commonalities with you should be able to find someway to find their humanity, a reason to connect with them and share a moment in life.

Friendships and relationships take work, knowing who you are and what you can give in any relationship will dictate how someone will and will not participate in your life. I also figured out sometimes you mean more to someone then they mean to you, and someone means more to you then you mean to them. But life cannot be measured in the moments of what can you give, more in what can can give how you particpate in their life.

 I soon enter a next phase of life, midlife is almost  here!  I want to share some of my discoveries.. none at all new to anyone , but a gentle reminder to all that life is about spoiling each other with time and attention, and making someone feel good and loved just for being who they are.

1. remember everyday that your partner/friend choose you, so do something nice everyday for them.. I cook, he cleans, I shop he fixes, no nagging or demanding, she calls, i text ..
2. even in the busy times make time for your friends and family.. not every moment, but definitely have moments
3. folding paper , riding cardboard rockets to the moon is way more fun with your kid then when you did it along
4. when you forget to listen, stop and look at the person and remember they want to be heard this is something i need to practice with new people in my life.
5.give only of yourself what you can

You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.
Dale Carnegie

Dale Carnegie has many popular books well worth reading if you ever get a chance!

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