
Have you ever?

Have you ever..

  • walked in the rain just to get wet?
  • cimbed a hill, when you didn't think you could?
  • took the first step towards something that seemed impossible, only to figure out it was way easier then you thought?
  • sat in your home, with all the "stuff" off and listened to the world outside you?
  • looked at a pile of stuff you've been holding on to for no reason other then because - then donated, got rid of or just simply let go of it?
  • have you ever seen someone else who looked tired, sad and alone and just sat with them?
  • wanted your cake and ate it too?
  • looked at a friend and remembered how awesome they are.
  • read a book that made you cry , laugh , feel great joy and great happiness and you didn't want to put it down
  • watched a movie and thought you were watching your life on the screen.
Life is full of surprise, full of sadness and full of great joys -- but it is the little moments, the ones that make up the everyday that I should celebrate. I have wonderful people in my life, who take the time to live, and be in the moment. Not rushing off to do something else because it must get done. I am not always great with just being in a moment, my mind is often on a different task that must get done, but I am getting better with practice.. slowing down and enjoying the place I am in while I am in it.

My daughter has been talking about buying a house, she plans to do this when she is twenty or so she says. While she is just six years old,  one day I don't want to be looking at her and think i missed the little moments.

Life I am realizing is in the little moments..Have you ever missed one?

1 comment:

Linda mariani said...

I've missed many moments only realizing after their importance this is the reason I'm trying harder to be present in the moment!