
Let me tell you.. Parent to Parent

Yesturday on facebook, someone I once worked  with and a couple of her friends had a thread going about parenting, of course I jumped in as I always have something to say about my experiences in parenting. As we all piped in our little thoughts around real parenting, the truth about some of the stuff the books never tell you and no other parent really points out , because let's face it ... if everyone talked about the hard moments in parenting, the crazy expectations and dreams of the perfect child that really never materialize well then no one would have kids! So instead we do write and read about general parenting issues, the widely known are toilet trainnig problems, eating difficulties and of course the very big ones such as the increase in Autism.

Parenting is hard, parenting can be easy , parenting is a joy, parenting is a pain in the ass. Sometimes you want nothing more then to run home and snuggle your kids, other times you want nothing more then to run away and remember all that you did before kids. One thing is clear the more parents I talk to ( and I have the privledge of knowing lots of parents in various stages of parenting) the ability to share the truth about the struggles, is sometimes hard but often ends in laughter and a little bit of fun.

I have decided to do posts now and again about parenting, hopefully we will get different perspectives from other parents who will guest write now and again. ( waiting to hear back from one or two !) this blog was started as a way for me to connect, to appreciate life and find love and laughter along the way. Parenting topics fit right into that.

No one should have to parent alone ( insert it takes a villiage here quote) , we all muddle through hoping for the best.. so why not share a story now and again.. we are all experts on our own kids, maybe we can share some great tips, tell a story , laugh at our insane ideas, talk about the way life changes or simply share links to other parenting sites.

Let me know if you are interested, hey and for those who are not parents, but have friends who are why not tell us what your experience is when your friends became parents!

I hope this generates some interest because I think it could be fun.


now to g

1 comment:

Wendy said...

Hey--I've just had a good catch up on your last few posts (I'm addicted to Bulk Barn!!). I'm slowly getting used to the new computer and having to disappear downstairs (leaving the tutor alone to work with my kid--there's a parenting topic right there!!) to do any blogging, emailing or surfing!
I'm definitely interested to hear and discuss all kinds of parenting issues so I'll be looking forward to it!