
Have you joined in?

To become connected; join or unite.

If you have noticed the new "header" my posts , it is because this year, I am choosing to explore how to really  LIVE LOVE LAUGH CONNECT.  How do these simple words translate to me daily.
How I define them, how I live them. 

This year, I do not plan to explore my connection to friends, or family. I have written about that since I started the pursejunkienomore blog, instead I want to look at my connection to self, to the world as a whole and what draws me in, what captures my interest and how can I learn from it and how I connect with those things.

I think we connect with different people, different hobbies, different philosophies and even different diets, as they are needed to us the individual during those moments in time when we first cross paths or connect with them.

This year will be about as always letting go of those things I no longer need ( who knows what that will include - it in the past has included people, idea's , things, and feelings! ) accepting what I need and working on connecting to the world around me.We as people, in my opinion are at our best when we connect,  hear and understand, accept or disagree with each other. a connection in my definition is not always full acceptance, more understanding and identification with an issue, a perspective or opinions or a person. Life is like a big classroom and we only need to join in to fell connected!

Do you feel connected? If not, it is because you have not joined in, no one is stopping you - you can only stop yourself. You create your life - we live the life we want, or we would not be in it.  Choices may be hard, circumstances may hold you back in life - but we always have a choice on how we live our lives!

So how will you connect?


Wendy said...

I love the idea that we have a choice in how we live. I'm trying to keep that in mind as I go about my day.
One of the best things about blogging is that I've been able to connect with so many different people from so many different places who have so much to contribute!

Melanie said...

I couldn't agree more, we really do choose to either stay in the life we have or to take steps towards creating the life we want to have.. it can catch you of guard when you apply that thinking to relationships, friends, homes, locations family relationships -- everything. Sense of obligation often keeps us connected to things and people we have out grown or evolved away from -- I try to connect with that part of myself - and it can be unsettling to do it. But it reminds me - we only have this life with these events and people - how do we really want to spend it?

Wendy said...

You're exactly right. Life's too short!
I hope you don't mind but I passed an award onto you today. I almost never pass them on, but this one made me think of you!