
Happiness Moments -- Here are a couple of my Favourites!

Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections.

(me in Paris - Being Silly cause Jay asked me to)

Life is full of wonderful things -- from a backyard bleeding heart plant blooming to going to a city you dreamnt about -- or just hanging with family eating good food.. Life does not have to be a race ( finally learning) ...

Did you know that Happiness is contagious? If you spread Happiness - it spreads quickly.. it all starts with you...

What is your happiness today?


Wendy said...

Love the pic!
My happiness today comes from having nowhere to go and no one coming over! That probably sounds anti-social, but sometimes a little downtime is all I need to pick me back up again!
Have a happy day!

Dawne said...

@knitwit - your perfect day sounds blissfull to me! I love my fiends and family but I need me time to recharge my batteries too.

Faiza said...

basing in the afterglow of my birthday.

Melanie said...

Re-charge away @Dawne -- the crew will be hitting your house on Friday night - two kiddo's under the age of 5 after a 5 hour trip... me -- high on caffine! Welcome Friends!!! Can;t wait to visit!

@Faiza I loved the pictures of the baseball game -what a great way to spend time for you -- you, your friends and the blue jay boys!

@Knitwit glad you got a minute, you have a very active schedule, a moments of downtime is much deserved!