With my last blog the purse junkie no more I was attempting to empty out my closet and huge bag collection, for charity. I believe I did this well, and the readers that followed and help spread the word, helped others gain much needed clothes, cribs, baby stuff and tons and tons of other great things. Since it's start, I have expressed my thoughts, wishes, rants etc. It became something of a virtual diary, and I began connecting with the readers and the bloggers I was attached to.. and I began to feel connected to those out in the virtual blogging world - the followers and the readers ( It was explained to me by a reader - that there were a few more readers then followers because they didn't sign up.. )
So why change the name ? Simple -- because I have changed too.. My need to purge has ended, I feel confident in my ability to remain realitively stable in the bag purschasing , and have learned that the material side of my life has slowed down to a good consumption rate.. not just the new eating habits!
I began a new journey while writing the purse junkie no more, one of self creation ( I don't believe we discover ourselves - I believe we create ourselves). In the past few days, I have also come to value something else, the interaction a blog reader can have with the readers, or the reading of other blogs.
Some great ladies and one very nice man, have made insightful and funny comments on my blog -- and I thought -- why not try and make a blog that was more interactive - one where you tell me about you -- as you learn about me.
So here goes... Is anyone there? Want to share a cup of coffee?.. tell me one great thing about you..I'm listening.
here i am! i am an out and proud snail mailer and good at it!
I love that you do the whole make your own envelopes, postcrossing and write letters -- it has such a personal touch :)
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