
Creating your own Happiness - it is a choice


Good Friday to all of you -- I came acorss this website yesturday -and since have joined. I really like what the author of six tools for happiness says ( it is taken from a book called What Happy People Know - by Dan Baker, Ph.D. and Cameron Stauth (Rodale Press, 2003).

I read and reflected on the points made -- and you know what I belive it!! I do believe that we do create our own happiness or sadness - I belive we make the choice. I do think that some people get trapped in a cycle of unhappiness, fear and depression - but if you have the tools you can get yourself out of them.

In a world filled with so much *stuff* to make us happy - it was interesting to read about how that in and of itself can also lead to happiness traps ( buying, indulging in pleasures etc) in search for constant happiness.

I am currently reading the Nine Rooms of Happiness, and then will be reading stumbling Towards Happiness .. two books I have been wanting to read for a bit.. and the result of my 45 minute me time break this week in the bookstore! Will these be books that change my life? I have no idea..

Have you read a book - fictional or not -- that changed you forever? Tell me all about it!! hit the comment link - follow the prompts to leave a message!

Happy friday everyone --- todays moment of bliss --- go outside (in toronoto) look up to the clear blue sky and bask in the 18 degreee sunshine! If it is raining else where - when put on your gear and go dance in the rain..


Faiza said...

haven't read either book but i am such a believer in the power of choice. i've been choosing some wonderful things for myself lately and am so enjoying the process. am just spewing this out as i write but i am learning that choice = self love = ability to love others wholeheartedly.

Melanie said...

I could not agree more! I have to tell you, when I saw you yesturday after work it could not have been at a better time - a reminder for me to think about the positive. I had just heard some upsetting news - and while it will take some time to adjust to the news I heard, there you were my prompt to think in the positive :)

Faiza said...

you were looking a little low when i saw you from afar. i wasn't going to call out your name but decided to. i'm glad i did! :)