I have always belived, that woman together can make the biggest changes in the world - we just have to believe in each other, and have pride in what we offer the world.
Mother Teresa said "The most terrible poverty is loneliness and the feeling of being unloved."
Eleanor Roosevelt said "We must want for others, not ourselves alone"I feel that as a daughter , a sister , a mother , a friend and mostly as a citizen of this planet -- it is my job in life to help other woman and to teach my daughter - that because I am a girl -- I WILL change the world.
Please spread the message of helping girls out of poverty - anywhere in the world ...
1 comment:
For all our little girls....
Can one little girl make a difference? I know two plus one (me) plus my
mother, plus my grandmother that have, plus two more wonderful girls who
make a difference just now just by being....and will be whatever they
choose...god willing, to be.
I simply must stop reading your blogs, they make me cry:)
Melanie, you have made a difference to so many lives; long before social
media...when heart to heart and face to face was what it took to make a
difference...you did...and will always do so.
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